PIRLS 2021

Percentage of Students Reaching International Benchmarks

Created by the Boston College TIMSS & PIRLS team

PIRLS 2021 results provide descriptions of students’ reading skills and strategies at four international benchmarks on the PIRLS reading achievement scale for meaningful interpretation of reading achievement scores.The PIRLS 2021 International Benchmarks build on each other, representing increasingly demanding reading comprehension skills and strategies with each higher benchmark—Low, Intermediate, High, and Advanced. The students who reached a benchmark also reached all previous benchmark(s).

Exhibit 4.2: Percentages of Students Reaching the PIRLS International Benchmarks

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Advanced International Benchmark (625)

High International Benchmark (550)

Intermediate International Benchmark (475)

Low International Benchmark (400)

( ) Standard errors appear in parentheses. Because of rounding some results may appear inconsistent.

See Appendix A.2 for population coverage notes 1, 2, and 3. See Appendix A.5 for sampling guidelines and sampling participation notes †, ‡, and ≡.

Ψ Reservations about reliability because the percentage of students with achievement too low for estimation exceeds 15% but does not exceed 25%.

Ж Reservations about reliability because the percentage of students with achievement too low for estimation exceeds 25%.

Issues identified in Albania's data quality led to reduced comparability and framework coverage.

SOURCE: IEA's Progress in International Reading Literacy Study - PIRLS 2021

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